In Pursuit of What You Love

1 John 4:19 "We love because he first loved us."

I have a love-hate relationship with social media. Honestly, I delete the application from my phone sometimes only to return to reinstall it, albeit begrudgingly, at some point in the week. Perhaps you are familiar with the old cartoons that had the angel and devil on the shoulders of a character, trying to convince them of succumbing to a particularly wicked act or to resist and be liberated from such dark and malicious desires. While I am not suggesting I undergo some existential crisis every time I add or remove social media apps, I am admitting to an internal dialogue that takes place. On one hand, I see the added value of social media for connecting with family, sharing ministry highlights from the church, and similar benefits. But more often the greater tug at my heart is the time spent wasted on these platforms. Have you ever just looked around at a park or sadly in the church sometimes? Everyone is looking down as their children play and form memories and special moments. It is heartbreaking when you take time to consider this. You see, I am convinced that we have fallen in love with a cheap imitation of intimacy. We are certainly in pursuit of what we love, but that love can fit into the palm of our hand.

Perhaps a more positive example would help lift us from the weight of such a tragedy in the modern age. Last week my wife and I took some vacation time and went to Indianapolis. If you are familiar with our story then you know we love Indy! We went primarily for the TGCW22 event (The Gospel Coalition Women's Conference 2022). Perhaps the stereotypes are true, that pastors and their wives do things for fun that others would find dull. Regardless, we set out last week gleeful and ready to visit our old neighborhood and eat at our favorite restaurants. On our way there we discussed the fun activities we would do and ultimately the anticipation and eagerness of her attendance at the conference later in the week. I realized I was the recipient of a wonderful gift, time alone with just the kids; time with their dad. I didn't have that growing up and it is weighty to me to be able, by God's good grace, to provide that to my kids. So why share all this? Because I had to make a very conscious decision to place my phone in do not disturb for vacation. This meant taking it all in, no work texts, no phone calls, no emails, just me and my kids and wife. I was in pursuit of what I love. I enjoy my job, I love pastoring, I love teaching, and I love serving in the U.S.Army, but I love the smiles of my wife and children so much more. I love the big hugs they give, I love the nightly prayers, I love the games with them, I love laughing with them, I just love them. But I can only love them well because I have experienced God's love. I love because He first loved me. So, friends, I appeal to you, to put down your phone, engage your children, pursue what you love; your spouse, your kids, your God, and everything else will fall into place.


Rightly Dividing Truth